Sunday’s Harvest Service

The Harvest service this morning was led by Mrs Pamela Sewart, a long time serving member of the Church and Local Preacher. The service was based on articles from All We Can, the Methodist charity, with Pamela including such ‘old time’ favourites as, ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ and ‘All things bright and beautiful’. Produce donated will be taken to the Lighthouse Project and a further collection next week will be sent to All We Can for their relief work. We thank Pamela for leading the worship today.

Harvest Celebrations

The Church was open this morning to start the Harvest Celebration.  Beverages, biscuits and cake, were served from 10.30am followed by a potato pie /cheese pie lunch (no charge) for all who entered. The chancel steps were decorated, others sat and chatted, while some stood and talked or helped with the craftwork. Thank you to all the helpers.


HODs Day 5 and Final Day

Art Exhibition with original work by Edgar Wood, Frederick W Jackson and Dame Laura Knight, James W Booth and G A E Schwabe (Bertie)
A sketching workshop with local artist, Steve Whitworth and music by the ‘Friday Ensemble’. Video

A successful final afternoon for HODs 2024, with over 450 visitors across the five days .

A big thank you also, to all who helped to make the event so rewarding for the visitors. This includes paintings on loan from private collections, Touchstones On Tour, drop in Art Workshops with Erica Matthews, stewards and helpers from the Edgar Wood Society and Greater Manchester Building Preservation Trust for hosting the event in their Grade 2* listed building.

HODs Day 4

There was an added treat to the HODs weekend, with an excellent lecture by Dr. Anne Anderson. on Friday evening. This led into today’s busy and successful event, in  addition to the exhibition, Erica Matthews was running her second drop in Art Workshop and the Touchstones Community staff had brought their Collections on Tour Exhibition.

Thank you once again to all who helped to make the day so informative and pleasurable for the many visitors.

HODs Day 3

Today, in  addition to our art exhibition, Shakra from the Local Studies section of Touchstones (Rochdale Museum and Arts service), brought along a display about Edgar Wood and Frederick Jackson.  She has been combing the digital newspaper archives for references to Edgar Wood which gave us some interesting new findings. Rachel  and Bryan, also from Touchstones, came along to help.

HODs Day Two

Yesterday was full on, today was even busier. Why is Sunday a more popular day?

Local artist Steve Whitworth held a drop in sketching session where inspiration had to be gained from the building.

Members of the Edgar Wood Society led a walk around the Conservation Area  and EW’s buildings, while others greeted, informed and brewed up.







Open for HODs 2024

The first day of HODs was full on, with thanks to all the hard work by volunteers in the preparation of the Art exhibition and stewarding by members of the Edgar Wood Society.

Among the visitors it was good to see the MP for Heywood and Middleton North, Elsie Blundell. Also visiting were Middleton Councillors, Elizabeth Atewologun and Katherine Bromfield. 

Today’s activities included a drop in Art session led by Erica Matthews of Creative Health and tomorrow’s event is, sketching with local artist Steve Whitworth.

Elsie Blundell, MP for Heywood & Middleton North.
Erica Matthews of Creative Health with Moira Stevenson a Trustee of GMBPT looking on.

Community Open House-Church

On Saturday afternoon 23rd March, the Church hosted a community event with over 60 adults and children attending. Catering was for 50, but as with the loaves and fishes, there was plenty of food, and a lot left over.  Various activities were on offer, face painting, bead threading, jig saws, quizzes to name but a few. Thank you to all who made this such a good afternoon and not a play station in sight!


Meet Local Artist Steve Whitworth

To coincide with the Heritage Open days, we are pleased to have Steve with us to exhibit his artwork in the Church. Come along and look at this Edgar Wood building and Steve’s work. Have a chat to him over a cup of tea/coffee or he may even be sketching. Bring a cheque book just in case something takes your liking.                                                                        Opening Times are: 1.00 to 4.00pm Saturday and Sunday 9, 10, 16, 17 Sept. and Wednesday 13 Sept.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Heritage Open Days: 9th to 17th September

The Long Street Methodist Church and Schoolrooms are open for visitors between 1 and 4pm on the following dates in September:

Saturday 9th , Sunday 10th , Wednesday 13th , Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th

‘The chapel is a knockout’ says the latest Pevsner Guide. Designed by architect Edgar Wood and completed in 1901 it is an Arts and Crafts delight, with aspects of Gothic, Art Nouveau and Modernism intertwined. A walking guide to other Edgar Wood buildings nearby is available from the church.

You can park 3 hours for free at nearby Market Place car park M24 6AE but must display a ticket from the machine with your arrival time.

More details are available on the Heritage Open web site click on visit and enter the post code M24 6UN

The Edgar Wood Society Give a Helping Hand

Members of the Edgar Wood Society spent the morning Cleaning and Gardening at the Church and School Rooms today. This contribution to the up keep of the building is greatly appreciated by the Trustees of the Greater Manchester Building Preservation Trust.

A big thank you to all the volunteers.


Harvest Service

The Harvest Service took place today, led by our minister, the Rev. Sharon Read. The Church supported two charities with their gifts, dried and canned food for the Food Bank in Middleton.


A sample basket from Binga








The second cause was for money donations to the Methodist charity, All We Can. All We Can support a group of Tonga people who live in the Binga district in the Zambezi valley and were forcibly displaced by the creation of Lake Kariba by the colonial government. With the  support of All We Can, a group of ladies have been helped to deveope weaving skills and access markets to sell their baskets. As a result children are able to go to school, and goats can be bought for additional family income.



To Celebrate 70 Years

The Sunday service (June 5) starts at the usual time of 11.00am. To celebrate the Queen’s 70 year reign, at the end of the service there will be a shared lunch. Everyone is welcome whether you bring a shared item or not.

It’s Gardening Time Again

It’s Spring and it is time to tidy up the garden. Not only are the weeds and grass  growing, but the broken brick seems to multiply as well. In the 1970’s the ‘flower beds’ were covered with crushed brick, this was to make for easy maintanence. Twenty years on and the lawns and flower beds were reinstated. The brick was covered with several inches of soil, this would make for good drainage! However, the action of the weather and frosts bring a yearly crop of crushed brick back to the surface.

The yearly harvest of broken brick

Re-pointing of the Chimney Begins

Three working platforms are needed reach the top of the chimney.

David from Conservation Services North West, is in charge of the chimney repointiong and was smiling yesterday morning from the top platform of the scaffold. Blue sky and sun is a bonus of late and the weather is going to be settled for the next few days.


Up, Up and Away

Laurie of RescueStationCIC had  a 7.00am  drone flight from the garden on Tuesday 23rd June. Conditions were ideal, the air was still and the sky was blue.  The ground crew were briefed and had their instructions to inform passers by that they were within a 50 meter radius of the flight. The filming was on behalf of the Heritage Trust North West, a closely associated Trust who provide services for the GMBPT.

Attached to the drone is a 360 degree camera.

The filming of Long Street Methodist Church and the Edgar Wood Rooms will feature on the HTNW web site together with other heritage property in the HTNW’s portfolio.

Draw a line vertically above Laurie and you should spot the drone.